
Notes on Use of Pricing Table of Retail-Target Corporate and Samurai Bonds in the OTC Market

Please be sure to fully understand the following notes when using it.

  • This OTC Quotation aims to disseminate the reference price information for OTC transactions (off-market transactions) of corporate bonds, etc. issued for retail investors in accordance with the "Rules Concerning Publication, Etc. of OTC Quotation of Corporate Bonds, Etc. for Retail Customers" prescribed by the Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA), and is not intended to solicit investments.
  • This OTC Quotation is a list of four values: "Average Price", "Median Price", "Highest Price" and "Lowest Price", which are statistically processed after receiving reports from each Reporting Member on the simple yield that serves as the basis for transactions with a face value of approximately JPY 1 million as of 3 p.m. on the business day preceding the announcement date regarding “Domestic Publicly Offered Straight Corporate Bonds” and “Domestic Publicly Offering Yen-Denominated Foreign Bonds” issued for retail investors.
  • These OTC Quotation are not the purchase or sales price to the customers at the Reporting Member, but the middle price between the buy and sell quotes. A quote serves as a basis for transaction.
  • The Reporting Member may have difficulty in calculating an appropriate price in the event of sudden changes in the market. In such cases, the Reporting Member may stop reporting quote.
  • These OTC Quotations are not to guarantee the execution of sales and purchase transactions with the quotations by the Reporting Member. If you wish to trade, please contact with your securities firm for the actual trading price on a case-by-case basis. In some cases, the Reporting Member may not be able to accept your request for the purchase or sales, etc.
  • The JSDA will not respond to any inquiries regarding details of the individual contents of values reported by Reporting Members.
  • All rights to this OTC Quotations are reserved by the JSDA. Please refrain from reproducing or transmitting this information for any purpose, regardless of electronic or mechanical means, without prior permission.